The Bella Vida senior center plans to continue some of its standard activities for seniors across the Santa Clarita Valley, namely performances with the volunteer group the Silvertone Singers and history presentations through the Scholar Series.
The Silvertone Singers are scheduled to make their next appearance with the animal-themed “A Trip to the Zoo” on May 17. The performance is set to feature several songs spanning between the 1930s and 1980s that directly or indirectly mention animals, including “Big Blue Frog,” “The Lion Sleeps Tonight,” “Hound Dog,” “Blackbird” and “I Am the Walrus.”
The performance is also set to include images of animals projected along with the music.
Consisting of 62 vocalists, the Silvertone Singers are open to expanding with new members of all ages, not only seniors, said music coordinator John Swinford.
“If they have an interest in singing, people can join us when we rehearse from 2- 4 p.m. on Mondays,” Swinford said.
Also continuing at Bella Vida is the Scholar Series, hosted by College of the Canyons Professor Lissa Brassfield. This latest installment is set to center around the Underground Railroad, a path to freedom for fugitive slaves in the American South escaping to the North prior to the Civil War. It will take place on May 29.
Robin Clough, advocacy and volunteer coordinator, said Bella Vida is always excited to have Brassfield to present with unique and relevant topics. In the future, they plan to collaborate more with COC faculty for education programs. The potential new activities are “just endless here,” Clough said.
“We’re continuing and expanding the educational activities we have here, with the Scholar Series continuing on with this first session at Bella Vida,” she said.
“A Trip to the Zoo” will be free and open to the public. It will be located in the grand ballroom inside Bella Vida, beginning at 2:30 p.m.
“The Underground Railroad” is also open to the public with no charge. Located in Room H, the presentation will begin at 10 a.m.
The Bella Vida senior center is located at 27180 Golden Valley Road.