Detectives searching for family after fight breaks out at mall food court

A Los Angeles County Sheriff's radio car sits out front of the Westfield Valencia Town Center following a robbery at the Apple Store. Michele Lutes/The Signal

Detectives are searching for a family of three after receiving reports of a fight that broke out at the Westfield Valencia Town Center food court late Wednesday afternoon. 

The incident started around 5:30 p.m., when three people, which authorities identified as a mother, father and their son, who was approximately 20 years old, allegedly confronted another 20-year-old man at the food court, said Lt. James Royal with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station. 

“There’s something between the two 20-year-olds, but we’re not yet sure what the issue was,” he said. “The dad took a swing at the 20-year-old (who’s not his son) and hit him in the arm — no significant injury.” 

The mother then allegedly produced “some sort of object” and swung at the young man and missed. The parents’ son then produced a small-sized bat as the victim backed away from the family and ran off to call 911, according to Royal. 

“We’re still looking for all three suspects and are reviewing mall video,” he added. 

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