SCV Sheriffs on opioid crisis: We need your help

SCV Sheriff's deputies save a mother's life after she overdosed on heroin Thursday. Courtesy of the SCV Sheriff's Station

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station officials are asking the public to help law enforcement battle the local opioid crisis after deputies revived a mother of five who overdosed on heroin Thursday. 

Deputies responded to the scene of a 36-year-old resident who “was brought back to life and transported to a hospital for medical care” after they administered Narcan on the woman, according to the Sheriff’s Station via a post on Facebook Thursday night. 

“Although her life was saved, her family did not go unscathed from the toll of addiction,” the post read. “Five young children, ranging in age from 4 months to 10 years, were taken by deputies and put into protective custody.”

The children are being referred to the Department of Child and Family Services, according to sheriff’s officials. 

“The message is that we need the help of the community in dealing with the opioid crisis that’s going on everywhere in the nation, but with everyone, we can make a difference in the Santa Clarita Valley,” said Shirley Miller, SCV Sheriff’s Station spokeswoman. 

SCV sheriff’s officials suggested that the community can help by encouraging those they know who are struggling with addiction to seek help. Miller added that one can also provide anonymous tips regarding suspected drug dealers in the area by calling 1-800-222-8477 or visiting 

“She was a victim of drug dealers,” said Miller. “Drug dealers know that drugs can lead to addiction and knowingly supply to victims.”

The public can also reach out to the station’s J-Team, which focuses on drug recovery efforts, by emailing [email protected].

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