Public health officials urge county resident to ‘stop vaping now’

File photo of a man vaping. Austin Dave/ The Signal.

An increasing number of cases of county residents suffering from serious illness due to vaping prompted county health officials to issue a warning Friday urging residents to “stop vaping now.”

In a news release issued Friday morning updating the number of lung illnesses and deaths associated with vaping in Los Angeles County, officials with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health warned residents about the use of vaping and e-cigarette devices as potentially harmful to proper lung function.

Nationally, there continue to be reports of people showing up in emergency departments with similar symptoms such as coughing, difficulty breathing and fever, and many have vomiting and diarrhea. 

Locally and nationally, the precise cause for this threat remains unknown.

In issuing their warning, public health officials listed recent cases in Los Angeles County, including: 

  • As of Sept. 26, there have been 16 reports of serious vaping-associated pulmonary injury and one death associated with e-cigarettes in Los Angeles County. They noted no new cases have been reported since Sept. 19.
  • Approximately two out of three cases reported are in individuals age 25 and younger. Both male and female cases have been reported.
  • All but one case reported using both e-cigarette and cannabis-type products, not necessarily at the same time. One reported using flavored liquids only — no nicotine, THC, or CBD. Various devices and products were reported and remain under investigation. No specific vendor, product or substance has been identified as the cause.

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