Flair Cleaners launches campaign to support fight against cancer

Flair Cleaners is located at 27011 McBean Parkway in Valencia. For more information, visit flaircleaners.com or call 661-753-9900.

By Raychel Stewart

A Valencia dry cleaner has launched a donation campaign to raise money to help find a cure for cancer during the month of October.

Flair Cleaners will donate 100% of funds raised at four locations across Southern California to four nonprofit organizations, which aim to provide support and care for cancer patients.

“Cancer is something that affects all of us,” said Gary Futterman, owner of Flair Cleaners. “We felt that we could play a small part in helping fund research and raise awareness for these charities.”

Donations will go toward: CURE Childhood Cancer, which works to treat and cure childhood cancer; the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, which advocates to end breast cancer; Colorectal Cancer Alliance, which supports people affected by colon cancer; and ZERO, which is dedicated to ending prostate cancer. 

Information about each organization is available at Flair’s locations, and customers can specify which organization they would like to donate to, or their contribution can be split among all four.

The dry cleaners will also match the total amount of donations up to $5,000.

This is the first year Flair’s is launching a donation campaign, but he hopes to make this an annual event, Futterman said.

Customers are able to donate at any of their locations in Redondo Beach, Santa Monica, Studio City and Valencia.

To learn more about how to donate in Valencia, contact Flair Cleaners at 661-753-9900.

For more information on the nonprofit organizations, visit their webpages or call at:

CURE: Childhood Cancer, 770-986-0035, https://curechildhoodcancer.org/: Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation, 310-828-0060, https://drsusanloveresearch.org/: Colorectal Cancer Alliance, 202-628-0123, https://www.ccalliance.org/about/contact-us; ZERO, 844-244-1309 https://zerocancer.org/ 

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