Granada Hills man arrested on suspicion of selling vape to a local minor

File photo of a man vaping. Austin Dave/ The Signal.

With vaping still topping the list of priorities for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station, deputies arrested a Granada Hills man Tuesday on suspicion of having sold vape juice to a minor.

The arrested man pleaded no contest Wednesday to one misdemeanor count of selling tobacco to a minor under 21 years of age, Ricardo Santiago, spokesman for the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office said Thursday.

The man was immediately sentenced to six months summary probation and fined $200.

On Aug. 14, the 34-year-old man allegedly sold tobacco smoking products, identified as vape, to a juvenile on the 25800 block of Railroad Avenue, in Newhall.

After a month-long investigation, deputies working with J-Team Detective Bill Velek arrested the suspect Tuesday shortly after noon, on suspicion he sold a tobacco product — identified by deputies as vape — to a minor, a misdemeanor.

“As per Detective Velek, the (suspect) pled to one count of selling to a minor,” Miller said.

Last month, Velek and his team assumed a lead role at a teen vaping symposium held at City Hall, alerting parents about the emerging health problems surrounding the smoking-like phenomenon called vaping.

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