Recently, Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff deputies were asked to answer a reported home burglary in Canyon Country. The suspect forcefully entered using the back door and took off with a number of handguns from the residence. Unfortunately, this is not the only report of a home being burglarized in the area. Most people feel like their home is the one place where they can drop their guard and feel most comfortable and safe. However, a stranger making their way into a home can and will completely shatter this illusion. Home burglaries and home invasions are most definitely life-changing experiences no one wishes to ever face. They can affect all the members of a household and cause anxiety, depression, trouble sleeping and feeling safe.
FBI reports speak of more than 2 million households in the US alone falling victim to burglars each year. If you count among those who do not have a home security system installed, but you would like to do something to beef up your home’s protection, we warmly advise you to take a look at the next tips and start implementing them as soon as possible.
1. Close & Lock Your Doors
Yes, a simple advice, but still so often forgotten. Whether you solely have a front door, you enter your home through a back or side door or even through a door that leads to your garage, focus on the locks on these doors. To your surprise, the great majority of burglaries are initiated once a property criminal enters a home using the front door or a ground floor window that was left open. If you are into the habit of leaving your front door open or unlocked when you are at home, stop. You are practically sending an open invitation to potential intruders.
2. Install Secure Doors
Also, make sure your entryway door(s) is solid enough to withstand a powerful force meant to kick it open. Hollow doors made of wood or steel are found in many American homes, but their efficiency is not the intended one.
3. Replace Your Locks
Whether you are using knob locks or distinct locks placed on knobs, have them replaced with a deadbolt lock for more safety. Knob locks can be easily jimmied open with the help of credit cards – yes, it does not only happen in the movies. If you are not sure what kind of lock your home has or you need help with the installation, get in touch with an authorized locksmith service like the team at www.locksmithslocator.com and ask them to lend you a hand. Replacing poor quality locks with deadlocks is a simple procedure for any experienced residential locksmith and it usually takes a few minutes to be completed. Plus, an expert lock technician will also ensure that your new lock mechanism will have hinges that are at least 3 inches long for enhanced protection.
4. Choose The Best Locks
You should focus on locks that feature anti-saw pins on the inside so potential intruders can have a more difficult time sawing through the bolt and making their way into your home. There are locks that have hardened chips made of steel that can destroy any drill bit provided a burglar might try to drill their way in.
You can also opt for electronic locks you can control with the help of unique numeric codes, access cards or your own smartphone, in case of smart locks. If you are already passionate about high-end technologies and everything “smart”, why not embrace the trend and give up your old brass locks and keys that can be easily picked and stolen?
Pay Attention To Your Windows
It’s not only your doors you should be concerned about. Three out of ten home burglars make their way in using windows that were left open and unattended or unlocked sliding-glass doors. Add small-keyed locks to your ground floor windows if you haven’t already and start using the locks as often as you use your front door lock. Consider adding window bars or grills – they may not look most appealing, but they are definitely worth the aesthetic sacrifice since they can keep opportunist Santa Clarita Valley burglars at bay.
You can also consider installing stops that will prevent anyone from opening your sliding doors or windows more than a few inches. This alternative might be better in case of a fire or other home emergency that might force you to immediately evacuate your home through a window or a sliding door. In comparison, window bars will make evacuation a lot more difficult.
Count to 23 – this is how fast a home gets burglarized, according to the same official reports. What’s even worse, only 17 out of 100 homes currently own a security system. This article has given you the first most important steps for a more secure home – start implementing them today!