Your boyfriend is younger than you, and you doubt whether your relationship has a future? According to statistics, a third of women over 35 y. o. has a soulmate who is 7-10 years younger or older them. What attracts women to younger men and vice versa?
Most people are sure that such relationships are short-living. However, despite major skepticism, such a romance can be the happiest time in life. This is especially true for Ukrainian brides. According to surveys conducted by psychologists, young men admitted what makes them crazy in relations with mature ladies:
1) Sex is fantastic!
What will definitely be great in this pair is sex. A mature woman is an ideal partner for a young guy because in 30 men have a peak in sexual activity, while women have it after 30. Men “over forty” are more likely to go to the cinema or go fishing instead of sex, forgetting that a partner is on the peak. The young girl can also ignore the sexual needs of her peer partner — her libido is still sleeping: she seems to love sex, but not really want it.
On the contrary, an older woman will willingly support the erotic fantasies of a young partner, and even give a couple of new ideas. This woman behaves more relaxed than a young girl in sex. She is active, skillful and tireless, which delights her partner.
2) Style and perfect look
As young lovers admit, their older girlfriends always look great, confident, and know how to present themselves advantageously. Thus, they look more favorable comparing with peers, who always worry about weight, acne and long choose what to wear on a date. Besides, an elder woman immediately raises the authority of a young man in the eyes of his peers.
The relationship with a younger man better rejuvenates than beauty injections and a gym. Firstly, it’s nice to know that at 40 you can attract a 30-year-old man. Secondly, the release of sex hormones stimulates the formation of substances that prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Besides, sexually active individuals are active in life: they have a healthier heart and blood vessels, they smile more often and are less prone to stress and depression.
3) Interesting communication and support
A mature woman is usually interesting to talk to. She has endurance, knows how to turn a difficult situation into a joke, she can listen, encourage, suggest something useful.
So her boyfriend realizes that he attracts a smart, beautiful, successful woman and thanks to him she looks happy and young. Besides, his partner is also a devoted friend — she will understand, support and help.
What are the long-term predictions for such a relationship? In Western countries, unequal marriages, have long been considered normal and even fashionable. On average, such a relationship lasts fifteen years, but there are couples living together for 20-30 years. So, why not to try?