California Dashboard releases data for Sulphur Springs district

Sulphur Springs Union School District administrative offices.
Sulphur Springs Union School District administrative offices.

The California Dashboard has released the data for the Sulphur Springs Union School District for the 2018-2019 school year

The Sulphur Springs Union School District’s California Dashboard scores for 2019 show the district 17.3 points above standard in English language arts and 1.6 points below standard in mathematics.

The district’s scores in English language arts were above the statewide averages in both categories, with the statewide average for ELA being 3.1 points below standard and 33.5 points below standard in mathematics.

The scores, based on their results from the statewide CAASPP test taken at the end of each academic year for grades 3-6, shows SSUSD declined 3.1 points in English language arts but gained 2 points in mathematics.

The district did show a “green,” or the second highest possible performance level on the Dashboard, in the categories of chronic absenteeism, suspension rates and English language arts. The district received a “yellow,” or one step below green, in math.

“For chronic absenteeism, the district scored in the orange in 2018 and in 2019 we scored in the green, declined in chronic absenteeism by 0.5%,” said Superintendent Catherine Kawaguchi. “The district continues to implement positive programs in our schools to increase engagement and the district scored in the green for suspension for 2019, whereas in 2018 the district was in the yellow.”

The data shown on the dashboard stated that the district had met standards in the following categories: basics (teachers, instructional materials, facilities); implementation of academic standards; parent and family engagement; local climate survey and access to a broad course of study.

The demographics of the district show 5,336 students enrolled, 52.4% are socioeconomically disadvantaged, 19.3% are English learners and 0.7% are foster youth.

“Areas where we saw larger gains, in English language arts, students with disabilities, increased their proficiency by 3.3 points,” said Kawaguchi. “In mathematics, African-American students increased in meeting standards and overall had a 6.9-point increase. Students with disabilities had the largest increase of 14.9 points in mathematics.”

Of the 5,620 students looked at from the 2018-19 school year, 1% were suspended at least once. Of the 55 foster youth within the district, 9.1% were suspended at least once; 1.8% of the 389 homeless students were suspended at least once; 2.4% of 791 students with disabilities were suspended at least once; 1.3% of 3,029 socioeconomically disadvantaged students were suspended at least once.

Of the 744 English learner students, 49.2% are making progress toward an English language proficiency, 0.9% higher than the statewide average.

“Areas where the district will continue to focus on: Students at-risk, such as homeless and foster youth,” said Kawaguchi. “The district will continue to also focus on supporting students in English language arts and mathematics. The district is very proud to have a very diverse population of students and will also continue to increase the rate at which English learners are acquiring the English and are being reclassified.”

In terms of student group details based on performance level by student group, foster youth tested in the “red”; homeless students and students with disabilities tested in the “orange”; African-American and English learners tested in the “yellow”; Hispanic children, children of two or more races, socioeconomically disadvantaged and white students tested in the “green”; and Asian and Filipino students tested in the “blue.”

“As parents review the Dashboard, it is important to remember that the Sulphur Springs Union School District is very proud of its students and teachers,” said Kawaguchi. “The district also wants its parents to know that we greatly appreciate their partnership and we look forward to continuing to work together to provide their children an exemplary education.”

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