UPDATE: Crash victims trapped for more than 30 minutes

A Los Angeles County Fire Department truck moves quickly to scene. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

Firefighters responding to a traffic collision in Newhall spent more than a half hour trying to free at least two people trapped inside a car.

At 12:30 p.m., firefighters with the Los Angeles County Fire Department were called to the 24300 block of Crestview Drive, near Sagebrush Way, for reports of a rollover crash.

“This was for a rollover car accident,” Fire Department spokesman Ed Pickett said.

“Two people were trapped inside the vehicle,” Pickett said just before 1 p.m., noting firefighters were still trying to free the occupants from the wreckage.

The occupants suffered minor injuries, he said.

Firefighters freed the occupants from the car at 1 p.m., then they were taken to the hospital, Fire Department spokesman Chris Thomas said.

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