must already know that a picture is worth a thousand words. And in the days of
social networking and audiovisual platforms, even more so. That is a trend that
can be seen in relation to digital content, an area where, according to the US
multinational CISCO, 57% of registered traffic corresponds to online video. In
the coming years, that number is expected to increase by almost 70%.
But not only that. As they evolve and offer new tools to use, social networks
like Facebook or Twitter are on their way to becoming the perfect resource for
the distribution and dissemination of audiovisual material.
In fact, the classic video portal, YouTube, receives more than one billion
unique visits every month. This has become the second most important search
engine and, integrated into other platforms and virtual tools, doubles the
possibility that your video will be shared thousands of times. This phenomenon
has encouraged many parties to participate actively and creatively. In recent
years, the number of explainer
video companies has increased sharply.
Your video and marketing strategy
For you, who is an entrepreneur or marketing manager of a company and is
looking for new ways to position and expand, there might not be a more
appropriate scenario. Virtual content is now an unbeatable opportunity for small
and medium-sized companies to get visibility. How?
Simple; adapt to what users consume. According to a recent survey by Flimp
Media, around 80% of companies in the world use or have used video as a
marketing tool. Of that percentage, 85% will be in the coming years to improve
their audiovisual content, especially on social networks (69%) or on other
websites to increase their sales (39%).
In this case, YouTube can also be your good friend. Flimp Media ensures that
65% of companies publish their marketing videos on this platform and 43% of
them allow users to comment on the content.
Every day the number of users with devices such as smartphones or tablets is
increasing, a format that no doubt supports access to audiovisual content
rather than written. People want new experiences through networking, more
direct and emotional links, and in that case, let’s face it, pictures lead. Or
in other words: video is synonymous with interactivity.
So much more in terms of viral videos. Many companies, even the most skeptical,
end up adopting audiovisual marketing strategies after seeing the extraordinary
success that some advertising campaigns have. This is a matter of making
innovative and interesting videos that generate emotions in users. If all three
conditions are met, product popularity is guaranteed, in addition to
visibility, recognition, and new options that emerge from there.
All this has forced companies to develop marketing plans that are increasingly
oriented to the audiovisual format. Some have specialized departments in the
production of this type of material. Others turn to professionals in this
sector through consulting services. The goal, in any case, is the same: to
increase company visibility and positioning options.