Castaic solo-vehicle crash sends 2 to hospital

A pickup truck faces the wrong way in the fast lane of the southbound I-5 Freeway causing a traffic jam near the Hasley Canyon road exit in Castaic on Tuesday. Dan Watson/The Signal

A solo-vehicle crash in Castaic on Tuesday sent two individuals to the hospital.

The crash was first reported to the Los Angeles County Fire Department at 4:35 p.m. on the southbound side of Interstate 5 at Hasley Canyon Road.

“They asked for a second ambulance,” said Bernard Peters, dispatch supervisor for the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

A pickup truck faces the wrong way in the fast lane of the southbound I-5 Freeway causing a traffic jam near the Hasley Canyon road exit in Castaic on Tuesday. Dan Watson/The Signal

The vehicle reportedly struck the left shoulder of the freeway, causing injuries to both people inside the vehicle.

Both were transported to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, according to Peters.

Traffic was impacted in the area as first responders worked to clear the patients and wreck from the road.

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