Becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner Makes Sense Now More than Ever


If you’re a registered nurse or in another nursing profession, you might consider becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). In the wake of the novel coronavirus, many people are re-evaluating their careers and finding deeper meaning in life choices. In today’s world, becoming an FNP makes more sense than ever, and here’s why.

Giving Thanks for Good Health

With people across the nation growing ill and even dying from the coronavirus, these are scary times. Anxieties grow as people wonder:

  • Will they contract the virus?
  • How will they keep their loved ones safe?
  • How many people are sick or dying in the world today?

A focus on being grateful for good health is something that many are feeling right now. Whether you are religious or not, having faith and expressing blessings for being healthy is a way to stay on a positive path during such an uncertain time.

If your health and that of others are on your mind as you watch the news for the latest COVID-19 updates, you’re not alone. Being able to improve patient outcomes, when possible, as a Family Nurse Practitioner could be your next train of thought.

If you have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, consider delivery primary care to families and individuals as an FMP. Look at enrolling in BSN to FNP program at Carson-Newman University today.  

Family Really Does Matter

The importance of family is something that is coming to light with each day that passes. With health officials recommending and requiring self-isolation in homes to prevent the spread of coronavirus, many families are spending more time together than ever.

Rather than leaving home to work, many are doing their jobs in their living rooms, dens, and other rooms. For those who are temporarily unemployed, they are trying to keep themselves busy indoors and find ways to relax when the news gets too much to bear.

Kids, too, are being homeschooled, rather than going to “regular school.” Everyone is home and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

While the outside world is changing, the family is always there. This quote says it well:

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” – Anthony Brandt

More quality time with loved ones can bring great opportunities for connection. Perhaps you can spend time playing in the backyard or try a new hobby together. You’ll catch up on one another’s lives with conversations that you might not have had otherwise.

This appreciation for the family doesn’t have to end, either. Providing primary care for communities and the families within them is a major part of an FNP career.

Being able to help patients of all ages and genders so that they can enjoy many more years with their loved ones is something that you can look forward to in this occupation.

Life is Short

The unfortunate reality is that there have been many fatal COVID-19 cases. Whether you know someone personally who passed away from coronavirus or are working as an RN and seeing patients take their last breath, it’s a traumatic experience.

While everyone knows they will die, few put these thoughts into words or want to think about their last days on Earth. But with the internet and TV sending updates on death rates, it’s hard to get away from the reality of death.

The sudden passing of coronavirus patients is shocking. It’s a reminder that:

  • Life is short
  • Routines can vanish
  • Change can come quickly
  • Changes are not always positive

But giving up hope for the future is not the answer. It will only make you feel worse.

Instead, why not make the most of the days you have, especially if you have the mindset to go back to school to reach your full potential? With every day being one that matters, signing up for an RN to FNP program makes sense.

Take Back a Feeling of Control

Coronavirus stress is keeping people up at night. The anxiety is propelling people into long hours of work at home to keep their minds off the unsettling events unfolding in the US and worldwide.

Being told to stay indoors 24 hours a day and to only leave for necessities has wreaked havoc on routines and social activities. A feeling of helplessness is a natural effect.

This sense of being helpless is disconcerting. Especially with no sign of the end of the COVID-19 outbreak.

“If there’s something I hate the most, it’s feeling helpless, powerless.” – Jillian Michaels

To help take back a sense of control, it can be helpful to look at what is within your hands rather than focusing only on what you are powerless to. For example, control how often you read the headlines online or watch coronavirus-related programming on TV.

Another actionable step is to pursue higher education to help those who need primary care, as well as providing preventative care strategies. An RN to FNP program allows you to take a role that’s as close to becoming a primary physician as possible without taking on all those responsibilities, yet you still have a big role in helping patients directly.

Conclusions on Becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner

Working as an independent caregiver is rewarding, no matter what year it is. But now, more than ever, FNPs are making a difference by caring for those who are at risk of getting the coronavirus and those who have this virus or another disease.   

With the fragility of life and a spotlight on how short the human lifespan is, there is no better time to pursue an advanced role in the healthcare industry than right now. As a family nurse practitioner, you can work in many settings, including hospitals and private practices.

Helping families, individuals, and those who are at risk is not a job for everyone, but it is one that makes a big difference in the world. You can be a person who improves patient outcomes, practices nursing ethics, and problem-solves in ways that saves lives. This work is important, now more than ever.

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