A member of the William S. Hart Union High School District’s governing board is up for re-election for the Los Angeles County Committee on School District Organization this year.
Cherise Moore, a member of the Hart district’s governing board, is currently the incumbent for the county’s 5th Supervisorial District, who’s seeking re-election to the county board, which helps administer school districts’ jurisdictions.
The committee is an independent, 11-member body that makes recommendations on such matters as transferring territory between school districts, unifying or deunifying a school district and forming new districts, according to the L.A. County Office of Education website.
Moore said a majority of the work from the LACCSDO originates from the California Voting Rights Act. The CVRA, passed in 2001, creates rules for when a governing body can select representatives on an at-large basis, and when districts, voting areas or trustee areas, are mandated. In compliance with that law, the committee was established to ensure school districts reflect the surrounding community, Moore said.
“The committee works on establishing trustee areas within school districts. For example, I represent the Trustee Area No. 3 at Hart (district) so people within a certain area vote for that trustee,” she said. “This is to make sure the school district is representing everyone in the community. We don’t want board members living within blocks from each other.”
All school districts in the SCV voted during various school board meetings to cast a ballot before the Oct. 26 deadline. Moore added each school district represents one vote for the election, despite having multiple people on the board.
School districts voted for a candidate in the 5th Supervisorial District since the district represents the SCV. Moore is running against Duane Winn, vice president of the Lancaster School District’s governing board.
The votes will be counted during the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association meeting Oct. 26.