As national politics was at the forefront of everyone’s mind on Tuesday, California voters were asked to also decide on a number of ballot propositions that would define future state policy on everything from stem cell research and rideshare drivers to the cash bail system.
In total, 12 propositions were listed on the ballot, and of them, five were leaning toward “yes” results as of 10 p.m. on Tuesday with 49.4% of precincts partially reporting.
Leaning ‘Yes’ (as of 10 p.m.)
Proposition 14: Issues bonds in the amount of $5.5 billion to the state stem cell research institute.
Proposition 17: Those who have already served their prison sentences will be allowed to vote. Under current state law, people on state parole are not allowed to vote while on state-mandated parole.
Proposition 19: Allows homeowners who are over 55, disabled or wildfire/disaster victims to transfer primary residence’s tax base to replacement residence. Under current state law, homeowners over the age 55 are eligible for property tax savings; all inherited properties are eligible for tax savings.
Proposition 22: One of the most extensively covered propositions this year, app-based drivers for services such as Uber and Lyft, would be considered “independent contractors” instead of “employees.” A “Yes” vote would allow drivers to decide when, where and how to work, but would not receive full employee benefits and protections from their employer.
Proposition 24: Amends certain consumer privacy laws to allow people to prevent businesses from sharing personal information, inaccurate personal information, or sensitive personal information.
Leaning “No” (as of 10 p.m.)
Proposition 15: Taxes commercial properties based on current market value, instead of purchase price. Called the “split roll” measure, Prop. 15 is seen by opponents as a step toward diminishing the protections provided by Prop. 13.
Proposition 16: Government decision making policies will be allowed to consider race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in public education, employment and contracting decisions.
Proposition 18: Amends California Constitution to allow 17-year-olds to vote in earlier primary and special elections if they turn 18 years old by the general election.
Proposition 20: Those convicted of repeated offenses for certain non-violent crimes could receive increased penalties. Would also add multiple factors to the process by which some criminals are released early from prison. DNA samples would also need to be taken by law enforcement from those who are convicted of certain misdemeanors. Current state law requires DNA samples are taken from those arrested for a felony, arson and those required to register as sex offenders.
Proposition 21: If a residential property is more than 15 years old, local governments would be allowed to establish rent control on said residential properties. Currently, state law controls any limits on rent control laws within cities and counties.
Proposition 23: Chronic dialysis clinics would be required to have a physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant on site during dialysis treatment. Would also prevent clinics from refusing to treat patients due to payment source, and would prohibit clinics from reducing services without state approval.
Proposition 25: A yes vote would uphold a new law that replaces the current money bail system with a system based on public safety and flight risk. Current state law holds that a person can pay bail before their trial to be released. However Prop. 25 would remove this system in favor of one that would release people automatically or based on their assessed risk of fleeing or committing another crime. No one would be charged fees as a condition of release.