The public is invited to join the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency on Wednesday to learn about and provide input on the Urban Water Management Plan Update, or UWMP.
These plans direct long-term resource planning to ensure water supplies are available to meet existing and future water needs. Urban water suppliers, like SCV Water, update their UWMP every five years.
The SCV Water UWMP Update is set to address several key issues that contribute to clean, reliable water for today and tomorrow.
The online public workshop is expected to help participants understand:
- The process to forecast how much water the agency needs to serve current customers, as well as plan for growth.
- The considerations for expanding recycled water and water conservation.
- How the agency assesses water supply from local sources, especially groundwater, and imported water from Northern California, accounting for state regulations and planning requirements.
- The potential effects of climate change, drought and water shortages, plus what can be done to ensure a steady water supply for customers.
Attendees are set to have an opportunity to ask questions and provide input.
Following the meeting, SCV Water is expected to distribute an online form for the public to provide additional comments and input about the UWMP.
The public can learn more about the UWMP and SCV Water’s planning efforts at the newly launched dashboard at