After announcing the effort to collect holiday artwork that would be on display in patients’ rooms, Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital received nearly 100 art pieces from children across the Santa Clarita Valley.
Because patients are unable to have in-person visitations due to COVID-19 restrictions, officials at Henry Mayo wanted to support patients by displaying community members’ artwork during the holiday season.

“I sent our artwork to Henry Mayo because I wanted to outreach to the community and connect with others during this time of social distancing,” said Erica Palmieri, who sent in artwork with her daughter Kaitlyn. “I also wanted Kaitlyn to see that her artwork could bring joy, beauty and decorations into the hospital rooms since patients were not in their own homes during the holidays.”

Palmieri said she and her daughter painted snowglobes during a virtual paint night event at Mountainview Elementary School, where her daughter attends. After seeing the flier from Henry Mayo, she knew she wanted to send the paintings, which her daughter titled “Snow Globes 2020” and symbolize happiness, health and hope during the holiday season.
“This can be a lonely time so we wanted to find a way to brighten up (patients’) day, especially during the holiday,” said Patrick Moody, spokesman for Henry Mayo. “We’ve received about 100 art pieces so far and we still have some coming in.”

Moody added the art pieces are printed and put in plastic display cases, which can be frequently sanitized. After each sanitation, they’re placed in patients’ rooms to be viewed.
Henry Mayo will continue to accept artwork through the holiday season. Children can send scanned images of their artwork for display in patient rooms to [email protected]. For more information, visit