In our world, there are multiple sources of radiation that all living beings have evolved to withstand. The human body has mechanisms to process radiation naturally. On a regular day, we are exposed to natural sources of radiation. Although the ozone layer absorbs the most dangerous radiation from outer space, such as cosmic rays, the sunlight carries UV waves that our skin must shield us from.
Moreover, we should be aware of human-made sources of radiation, from mobile network microwaves to radioactive waste. The most reliable way to know what radiation exposure is there in your surroundings is by using radiation detection equipment to scan. Learn more about how to stay safe from the radiation that surrounds us.
How to Determine the Absorbed Dose
Radiation has very detrimental effects on the human body. Radiation sickness is a severe disease that professionals must treat if you are exposed to a known source. Regularly, only natural sources send radiation to a person.
In case of accidents, it is adequate to use radiation detection equipment to quantify the exposure and determine the suitable treatment for the patient. There are some factors and instruments to measure exposure to radioactive sources, such as:
- Blood tests and symptoms in the body,
- Exposure to known sources, which radiation is documented,
- Dosimeter/survey meters are devices to measure radiation levels.
There is plenty of research about radiation to provide ongoing improvements to healthcare and security protocols. If you think you may have been exposed to a non-natural source of radiation, go to a health center to get checked.
Reduce Radiation Exposure Everyday
Having some good habits to avoid excess radiation is healthy for us. Taking off clothes and shoes reduces the vast amount of external radiation up to 90%. What’s more, cleaning the skin also helps lower the radiation in the body. These are some simple tips that could help reduce the amount of radiation on your body.
- Change clothes when you arrive home,
- Wash your hands with water and soap,
- Add vegetables like asparagus or Ginkgo Biloba to your diet.
By following these simple steps, you can be safer regularly. If you are curious about your neighborhood’s radiation level, you can get a dosimeter to get some lectures around. Usually, mobile and broadcasting networks operate in safe power ranges, which can be improved with the upcoming 5G network within the next few years.
Our Body Removes Radiation 24/7
According to research from Yale University, UV can cause damage to DNA molecules. As a rule of thumb, limiting exposure to intense sunlight is always advisable. Melanin is the pigment in our skin that protects us from sunlight radiation, but sometimes this molecule can get changed, backfiring on us. Therefore, although we have a natural barrier that protects us upon exposure, our skin is better not to expose to UV waves regularly.
The thyroid also protects against internal radiation by absorbing radioactive iodine that is later removed in the urine. However, the thyroid can run of potassium, another ion involved in the process, thus taking potassium iodide within a day of radiation exposure to help in this natural process.
It is also worth noting that some foods, like bananas, contain radiation that the body processes. The Earth emits at least 60 times more radiation in a year than the equivalent of eating a banana daily for that time. Thus, all living beings have adapted to these natural radiation levels in the environment; otherwise, life would be unsustainable. Only human-made radioactive sources can provoke serious harm if exposed by accident.