When thinking about school, furniture might not be one of the first things you think about, but that does not make it any less important. Contrary to the popular belief, good furniture doesn’t just contribute to the visual appearance but also to the learning ability of the students.
Studies have shown that a student’s performance is directly related to not just their education, but also to their educational environment. Thus, you need to invest in furniture that helps your pupils to perform better.
Point to remember: This list is not an exhaustive list, but inclusive. It will not tell you exactly what you need but is sure to give you a healthy start.
So, ready set go!
1. Safety
First thing first, nothing’s more important than the safety of your students. You don’t want to cut down on any costs that can cause safety hazards for students. So, make sure you invest in good quality furniture for your school that guarantees 100% safety for the children.
You wouldn’t want to replace your school furniture every year which means it is a long-term investment. Thus, it is always a wise choice to schedule annual checks by the carpenters just to ensure whether there are any wear and tear that can cause harm to children.
2. Usage
Classrooms are dynamic places and so it requires furniture which is not only multi-purpose but also easy-to-move. For instance, the same classroom that hosts an arithmetic class should also be equipped to transform into a dance class.
These two classes have completely two different layouts, but if you have to provide a 360-degree growth to your students, you must be able to host both. So, it is important that the furniture you buy is not static and can be moved easily.
3. Budget
Budget is important in every aspect. Without it, you will not only be lost but it will also lead to spending a lot more than required.
So, take a pen and paper, evaluate your needs, and note it down. Now make an estimated figure near every piece of furniture. Make sure you are reasonable and practical because you don’t want to waste time and resources on furniture that wouldn’t yield the invested value.
4. Comfort of pupils
After safety and health, you also need to consider the comfort of your pupils. The basis of a good school is to promote active learning and that cannot be done if the environment of the students is not comfortable. By environment, we also mean the furniture, that is, chairs, desks, etc.
For instance, for the chairs and tables, there should be enough leg space for students to sit comfortably. But also, on the flip side, if there is more-than-required leg space, it will be difficult for one to accommodate many students in a single classroom.
Also, all students vary in heights and sizes but you cannot have personalized sitting arrangements, so even if it is not the best approach you have to go for a one-size-fits-all arrangement. It’s wise to pick the largest standard size so that no one has to suffer discomfort.
5. Maintenance
We mentioned this check-point in one of the points above but due to its importance in the long-run, it needs to be mentioned, again.
As discussed, once invested you would definitely not want to re-invest in furniture for a good number of years. So, it’s highly recommended to do annual checks by the carpenters.
This is primarily because the usage of furniture in school is a lot more than any other setting or arrangement. The rough usage may cause sharp edges or some wear and tear which if not looked upon can harm students.
So, it is better to get into a professional contract, with your seller and discuss annual maintenance.
Over to you…
So, this was the master check-list that you must have before you start looking for your school furniture. For store options, you can start looking from BFX Furniture – they have a stunning catalog for school furniture at extremely reasonable prices.