Salvation Army to host food drive

SIGNAL FILE PHOTO: Salvation Army Envoy Laura A. Bloom, right, organizes USC alumni members as they pack hygiene kits for homeless students at the Salvation Army Santa Clarita Valley Corps in Newhall on Saturday. Dan Watson / The Signal

The Salvation Army Santa Clarita Valley Corps is hosting a food drive this coming week, as its food pantry is critically low on food. 

As the pandemic continues to financially affect numerous families across the SCV, the Salvation Army continues to see increased numbers of people in need.

“The food pantry is extremely low on food and canned goods,” Corps Officer Laura Bloom said. “Because of COVID, our numbers for families and individuals reaching out for help have doubled.” 

Due to the pandemic, the Salvation Army has seen many individuals who used to be in a position to donate now becoming those in need of donations themselves, according to volunteer Rebecca Berens. 

“Because of COVID, more people are staying at home, many have lost their jobs, (and) with kids also staying at home to do virtual learning there are more mouths to feed,” Bloom added.

Most needed items include: 

  • Canned beans.
  • Canned corn.
  • Canned mixed fruit.
  • Canned mixed vegetables.
  • Canned peaches, pears.
  • Canned protein-tuna, chicken, spam, etc.  
  • Canned tomatoes.
  • Crackers or graham crackers.
  • Dry beans.
  • Dry pasta.
  • Flour.
  • Oil.
  • Pasta sauce.
  • Peanut butter or other nut butters/jelly.
  • Rice – 2-pound bags or less.
  • Sugar.
  • Soup.
  • Tomato sauce.

The Salvation Army is also looking for the following items for the homeless community:

  • Pop top canned food.
  • Socks.
  • Travel size toiletry items such as toothpaste, shampoo, shaving cream, etc.
  • Feminine care products. 
  • Underwear.

The food drive is scheduled through Friday. Those interested in participating can drop off non-expired donations to the Salvation Army Santa Clarita Valley Corps, located at 22935 Lyons Ave., between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. 

For more information, email [email protected]

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