Metro: Cyclist flees after collision with train

Deputies responding to a report of a train versus pedestrian collision on Rainbow Glen Drive on Thursday. Bobby Block / The Signal.

Metrolink officials reported Thursday that one of their Antelope Valley lines had struck a cyclist at the Rainbow Glen Drive intersection, with the bike rider then being able to allegedly pick themselves up and flee the scene.  

Although they did confirm they had responded to the same report as Metrolink had, after further investigation, no evidence of a collision was found by Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station investigators to confirm the initial report. 

The collision occurred at the railroad crossing shortly after 12:45 p.m., according to Gina Mack, a spokeswoman for Metrolink, and although there was a short-lived belief that the train could have been slightly derailed, officials said it only caused minor delays and there had been no confirmed reports of injuries as of 1 p.m. 

“It wasn’t a derailment,” said Mack, shortly after the initial report was made by the conductor. “Train 213 did strike a cyclist at Rainbow Glen Drive; but the individual fled the scene.”  

Los Angeles County Fire Department officials arrived on the scene at 1 p.m. after receiving a report of a train versus a cyclist near the Golden Triangle Road and Rainbow Glen intersection.  

“The conductor tried locating the patient” but was unable to, said Leslie Lua, a spokeswoman for the Fire Department. 

Mack said the incident had caused a 10-minute delay in Train 213’s schedule and Lua confirmed no train passengers were injured.  

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