Stevenson Ranch resident celebrates 100 years

Madeleine Westcott is surprised with an ice cream birthday cake for her 100th birthday in Stevenson Ranch on Wednesday, 070721. Dan Watson/The Signal

With a slice of ice cream cake and surrounded by family, Stevenson Ranch resident Madeleine Westcott celebrated her 100th birthday this week.

A lover of ice cream, singing and animals, Westcott was described by her family as a woman who would give the shirt off her back for anyone and everyone.

“It’s like her purpose in life was to just help,” Westcott’s grandson Byran Cunningham said. “She went out of her way to make everyone that was in her life feel important.”

Madeleine Westcott, center, sings Happy Birthday to herself surrounded by family from left, grandson Bryan Cunningham, his wife, Ellen, and great-grand children Taryn, 20, and Colin, (cq) 17, as they celebrate Madelein’s 100th birthday in Stevenson Ranch on Wednesday, 070721. Dan Watson/The Signal

Cunningham recalled his grandmother going all out for holidays, making sure the house was decorated and the food was top tier.

“She just always made everything extra special,” Cunningham added.

Westcott practically raised Cunningham, who called her the most important person in his life at a young age.

Madeleine Westcott hugs her grandson Bryan Cunningham. Courtesy

“It was her and I against the world,” he said. “I am the way I am today because of her.”

The family has had a rough year, first losing Westcott’s daughter, then her grandson, both of whom died in January, so celebrating such a big milestone for Westcott is special.

Westcott, who was surprised by the celebration, agreed, though she said she’s unsure of how she feels to be 100.

Madeleine Westcott blows out the candles on her ice cream cake to celebrate her 100th birthday in Stevenson Ranch on Wednesday, 070721. Dan Watson/The Signal

“I haven’t figured it out yet,” Westcott added, chuckling.

The milestone didn’t surprise her great-grandchildren, 20-year-old Taryn and 17-year-old Colin Cunningham, though, who said they had always known she’d live a long time.

“Me and my dad had a running joke that she was going to outlive everybody,” Taryn said, adding that they even nicknamed her “Frank the Tank.”

Madeleine Westcott, center, is surprised with a birthday cake by caregiver Dinah Pasco, right, grandson Bryan Cunningham, left, and great-grand daughter Taryn Cunningham, 20, as they celebrate Madelein’s 100th birthday in Stevenson Ranch on Wednesday, 070721. Dan Watson/The Signal

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