Zonta Club of SCV Foundation sponsors Women’s Lounge

Zonta SCV Foundation President Lois Bauccio, left, and Zonta Club of SCV President Nicole Miller pass a check to Bridge to Home Executive Director Michael Foley for the new Bridge to Home shelter. Courtesy photo

The Zonta Club of SCV Foundation announces sponsorship of a new Women’s Lounge to be featured in Bridge to Home’s new shelter for women experiencing homelessness, which is now in development.  

Zonta’s mission is to empower women and girls through service and advocacy. Zonta is an international organization that works to improve lives of women all over the world. Since 1974, Zonta SCV has been assisting women and girls locally with issues of domestic violence, sex trafficking, education/coaching, female health problems, and much more. Through community support, the club has helped vulnerable women become empowered to achieve independence. 

While volunteering at Bridge to Home, Zonta members have seen that the fastest-growing demographic of individuals experiencing homelessness is women, often single mothers with children in tow. Zonta now joins with Bridge to Home to provide a quiet place for these women to find respite, learning and fellowship with other women as they work to rebuild their lives. 

Bridge to Home’s new facility will be a hub of purposeful activity with a technology center supporting online education, employment research and housing searches; meeting spaces for job training, support groups, and community gatherings; offices for on-site case management; and rooms for health services.  

Also on the site will be the community’s first family shelter in eight apartment-like units. Every aspect of the new site will address the barriers that lead people into homelessness. The new facility’s plumbing, kitchen and laundry facilities will give vulnerable women of all ages a chance to rebuild their self-esteem and help them develop the strength necessary to establish themselves in a new home. Since many of these women are coming out of domestic violence situations and experiencing severe economic problems as a result, the project has synergy with Zonta’s mission. 

Zonta’s contribution of $25,000 is intended to change the lives of countless women. During the pandemic, Zonta’s ability to raise funds has been severely diminished, but thanks to careful financial planning and generous community support over decades, this gift is possible.  

Mike Foley, executive director of Bridge to Home, said, “We are grateful to the Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley for this generous expression of their faith in the work Bridge to Home is doing on behalf of vulnerable women in our valley who are experiencing homelessness. Their gift will inspire other local organizations who believe in the importance of service to our neighbors in need.” 

Club President Nicole Miller added: “On behalf of Foundation President Lois Bauccio and our members, we are thrilled to make a positive impact through the creation of a safe space for women and girls to become stronger, more confident and empowered to achieve their full potential.” 

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