City Council receives update on Camps Scott, Scudder

Santa Clarita City Hall, as pictured on February, 26, 2020, is located on the 23900 block of Valencia Blvd. Dan Watson/The Signal

The Santa Clarita City Council received a brief report Tuesday about Camps Scott and Scudder, two Saugus facilities recommended by the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council’s Juvenile Justice Realignment Block Grant Ad-Hoc Subcommittee in May to become the new homes of violent juvenile offenders in Los Angeles County. 

Masis Hagobian, intergovernmental affairs analyst for the city, told council members that the county has until Sept. 27 to provide the Board of Supervisors with a report that has assessed and ranked all licensed juvenile facilities in the county in a search for alternative locations to site juvenile offenders. 

City staff have participated in the public meetings conducted by the subcommittee, which met Thursday, according to Hagobian. 

The Board of Supervisors is also expecting a second report on Oct. 27.  

“That is when the full draft plan is due back to the Board of Supervisors and staff expects a review of the plan and then action taken by the Board of Supervisors in September,” he said. 

Hagopian said that the state’s deadline for counties to submit their plans for accepting juvenile offenders is Jan. 1, 2022. 

The subcommittee and county staff toured 10 of 12 sites, including Camps Scott and Scudder, though they did at undisclosed times 

Councilman Jason Gibbs, who asked the initial question about the camps Tuesday night, asked city staff to promote information about the subcommittee’s virtual meetings through the city’s communication channels. 

The City Council will meet again at City Hall on Tuesday, Sept. 28. 

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