The Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Latino Business Alliance is scheduled to host its annual Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration event on Sept. 15.
The event is to be held in the evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at a yet-to-be-determined location.
“Latino Americans have been integral to the prosperity and culture of the United States and the Santa Clarita Valley,” Elizabeth Seelman, chairwoman of the Latino Business Alliance, said in a prepared statement. “We are proud to once again host our annual celebration to network and honor the achievements of Latino businesses in the Santa Clarita Valley.”
As part of the celebration, the Latino Business Alliance, which “works to promote Latino-owned businesses as well as enhance a company’s efforts with Latino customers and businesses,” will honor city of Santa Clarita Mayor Bill Miranda – the city’s first Latino mayor – with its community leader award.
“I’m honored to have been chosen as community leader. I think it is a wonderful honor because the Latino Business Alliance has grown in stature within our community through the years,” Miranda told The Signal. “When the Latino Chamber merged with the SCV Chamber of Commerce, there were doubts by many that the Latino impact would be lessened, but the exact opposite has taken place.”
Telco Brewery, which is celebrating its three-year anniversary on Sept. 25, will receive the honor of business of the year during the Wednesday kickoff of Hispanic Heritage Month.
“Telco Brewery is humbled and honored to receive this prestigious award,” Telco co-owners Jaime Hernandez and Tony Santa Cruz told The Signal in a prepared statement. “We are incredibly proud to be Latino business owners. We feel fortunate that Santa Clarita has shown us so much support and are thrilled to be part of such a great community.”
The event will feature traditional Latin-American cuisine, Latin music, drinks, and recognition for the Latino community’s legacy in the Santa Clarita Valley, according to the Chamber of Commerce.
“We are so proud of our vibrant Latino community and their contributions to our valley’s culture and strong business community,” said Ivan Volschenk, managing partner at Evolve Business Strategies, which manages the SCV Chamber of Commerce. “We look forward to recognizing and honoring their tradition and integral place in our community at the Hispanic Heritage Celebration.”
Tickets for the event are available online at and cost $35 for chamber members and $45 for non-members.
President George H. W. Bush declared the first National Hispanic Heritage Month in 1989. The celebration started as Hispanic Heritage Week in 1968 by President Lyndon Johnson.