Which Routers Brands Are The Best Out There In The Market?


Having to buy a new router isn’t fun because you are not familiar with all the new features and there are a lot of things that you need to consider before you make the final decision of buying one because it isn’t something that you shop for every day or every month, you need to make sure that you are getting the best value for money. 

There are so many routers and brands out there and for an average user, it can be difficult to pinpoint the brand that will work best for him. In this regard, we have compiled a list of the best router brands that are available in the market right now. 

These are some of the best brands out there. Of course, there are different other good brands available such as D-Link, Linksys, and several others. All of these are very good brands and most of the brands produce good routers out there that will perform very well for an average user, however, the little features that these brands have introduced into their routers make them stand out from the rest. Although it is more of personal choice but here are the best router brands available in the market:

1. Google

Although Google is one of the most recent additions to the router manufacturing market just like their other products, Google produces some very good routers. Google first entered the router market in 2015 with its OnHub router and since then, Google has been a top name in the market. 

Since the release of the first router, Google routers have become some of the most popular choices of people and most popular routers available on the market. Currently, their latest router is the Google Nest WiFi that acts as a WiFi router, smart speaker, and a focal point for your smart home, all at the same time. 

The Google Nest WiFi router received a lot of positive reviews and if you are looking for a WiFi router then you should consider Google WiFi routers.


Next off on the list of best router manufacturers, we have NETGEAR. NETGEAR is a top name in the router manufacturing industry for quite some time now and it has a history of making excellent WiFi routers. There used to be some differences between NETGEAR’s top-tier routers and average routers but now, those issues have been resolved and both their top-tier routers and average routers provide the best performance. 

Currently, one of the latest products of NETGEAR is the NETGEAR Nighthawk XR1000, that has ultimate fast WiFi speeds with Ethernet connectivity, a triple-core processor, the all-new WiFI 6 and QoS option to manage your home network. NETGEAR didn’t use to be so popular but in the past few years, NETGEAR has drastically improved the quality and performance of its products, making it one of the top manufacturers available out there in the market. 

TP-Link still remains a popular choice for WiFi routers even after having so many competitors available in the market. TP-Link routers cover all budgets, from entry-level to professional level. TP-Link is a brand that is popular all over the world, not only in the US. TP-Link covers the entire spectrum of the market and you will not only find high-end gaming routers but also budget variants that make this brand for all kinds of users out there.

You will find powerful routers such as the TP-Link Archer C5400 that comes with trio-band, eight external antennas and can reach speeds up to 5334 Mbps. If this seems a bit too overpowered then you have got the Archer C3200 that is the younger brother of the aforementioned and comes with a heavy studded spec sheet.


Whether you are looking for high-end routers or low-end routers, Asus has got you covered with a huge variety of routers available in the market. Asus is specifically known for producing products that are related to games and it also produces some very high-end routers.

Regardless of the fact whether you are a gamer or not, ASUS routers come with such features and performance that these routers will be worth it. Most of the routers come with mute USB ports along with the latest WiFi 6, adaptive QoS, and a lifetime security guarantee from Trend Micro. If you are thinking that these routers are meant for gamers only then that is not the case because they will be able to cater to and fulfill all your networking needs.

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