Garcia leads holiday toy drive for local foster kids


News release 

Rep. Mike Garcia, R-Santa Clarita, led 25 of his volunteers last weekend as they distributed nearly 200 toys to local kids in foster care. The effort came as part of a holiday event at Fostering Unity, an Acton nonprofit that works to improve outcomes for children in foster care by providing support, education and resources to caregivers. 

“Not everyone is lucky enough to be surrounded by friends and family during the holidays, but our local kids in foster care deserve to have an incredible Christmas,” Garcia said. “So many of these kids have very little, and it was great to see Team Garcia bring some Christmas cheer to some of the most vulnerable in our community. I encourage everyone to take the opportunity to lend a hand to those in need this holiday season.” 

After holding a toy drive and collecting nearly 200 gifts from more than 50 members of the 25th Congressional District community, Garcia’s volunteers delivered and distributed those toys at Fostering Unity’s annual Winter Wonderland event. The event also gave kids the chance to meet Santa, play in snow and experience a drive-thru holiday light show. 

The Saturday toy delivery capped a year of Saturdays of Service led by Garcia and his dedicated volunteers. In a dozen events, the group was able to donate 3,000 pounds of food to local food banks, provide hundreds of care packages for veterans and law enforcement officers, and donate 20 pints of blood to ease a shortage in local hospitals. 

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