SCV sees ‘more than usual’ DUI arrests over Super Bowl weekend

The California Highway Patrol runs a sobriety checkpoint on The Old Road in August 2017. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

Local law enforcement officials said that this year’s Super Bowl weekend — which resulted in the deployment of more uniformed officers into the field — yielded a relatively high number of DUI arrests and traffic citations.  

Over the weekend, the California Highway Patrol’s Newhall Office reported making 18 DUI arrests between Saturday and Sunday and the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station reported arresting three individuals on suspicion of driving while drunk and/or high.  

CHP Newhall officials also reported issuing 172 traffic tickets over the weekend.  

“Eighteen DUI arrests are more than usual,” Officer Josh Greengard, a spokesman for the CHP Newhall Office, said on Monday. “We had a lot of uniform personnel patrolling this weekend. The officers were actively looking for traffic violations and drivers under the influence.”  

Preliminary data from the CHP’s Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System show that throughout the state, five people died, and 105 others were injured in alcohol-involved crashes on California’s roadways on Super Bowl Sunday last year.   

That same day, CHP officers made 229 arrests for driving under the influence.  

“Getting behind the wheel while impaired can end tragically,” CHP Commissioner Amanda Ray said last week in regard to Super Bowl weekend travel.  “Instead, make responsible decisions if your plans include alcohol and help keep everyone safe by planning for a sober ride home.  Do not turn a day of fun into a lifetime of regret.” 

Officials asked residents to call 9-1-1 if they observe what you suspect to be an impaired driver.  Callers should be prepared to provide dispatchers with the vehicle’s description, location, license plate number, and the vehicle’s direction of travel.  

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