Doctors are uniquely positioned to change and enhance lives on a daily basis, whether it be through the care of their patients, influential research, effective and meaningful teaching, or department leadership. Emergency Pediatrician Dr. Louis Hampers has excelled at all four, earning the respect and admiration of his colleagues in the process.
It is rare to find a physician so intensely dedicated to his life’s work that he is willing to sacrifice nearly all of his free time, to advance his understanding and care of his patients. Linda D. Arnold MD, of Yale Pediatric Emergency Medicine & Faculty of Yale University School of Medicine, recalls Dr. Hampers finishing his long days by heading to the library, preparing his lessons for the next day.
Stephanie Haley-Andrews RN points out that Dr. Hampers held the equivalent of two full-time positions, concurrently – and still made the time to see patients. He served as Medical Director of the Emergency Department at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado and Section Head of the Section of Pediatric Emergency Medicine.
“Instantly we knew he was an incredible physician, very talented, and very good with parents,” Haley-Andrews said.
The consensus among Dr. Hampers’ colleagues is that he is an excellent physician and one who puts his patients and his team first. Steven E. Krug MD, Head of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, describes Dr. Hampers as a “focused leader and a passionate leader; you can rely upon Lou – he has your back.”
Although at times Dr. Hampers received complaints about his unorthodox approach to accommodating patients more quickly than his team could keep up with, his heart has always been in the right place. He believes that down time should be put off until he is certain that his time off is not putting a patient at risk.
Dr. Hampers has been driven to help as many children as he can since he first began practicing medicine. He voluntarily moved to Kenya for one year to work in a mission hospital staffed by only two doctors. It was during this time that he was exposed to heartbreaking conditions and quickly learned how to provide life-saving care almost entirely on his own.
Between his top-notch education, hands-on experience, passion for research, and his business acumen, Dr. Hampers put himself in a position to affect the lives of children around the world. His groundbreaking research on providing interpretive services to patients has been cited hundreds of times. Thanks in part to his contribution, hospitals now provide interpreters and actually improve care in the pediatric ED while also reducing costs.
The son of a kidney specialist, Dr. Hampers intended to go into medicine from a young age. He attended Dartmouth College before going on to the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and The Wharton School to earn dual degrees in Medicine and Business Administration. He completed residency training in Pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and sub-specialty training in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago.
But what really sets Dr. Hampers apart from other well-educated professionals is his energy and personal motivation.
“Lou is a very engaging and energetic individual. He always works at warp speed,” says Ethan Wiener, MD, Associate Director of Gagnon Pediatric Emergency Center.
Dr. Lou Hampers enjoys every aspect of medicine fully. “Teaching skills, his interest in advocacy, making a difference for children and families; across the board, he is absolutely extraordinary,” says Krug.
Learn more about Dr. Lou Hampers in this recent article.