5 Trading Strategies Anyone Can Use

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Trading in financial markets requires well-thought planning and strategies. It depends a lot on the amount of your investment, the instrument you’re trading, and the fluctuations in its market. 

Some strategy A will work tremendously well for your beginner friend, but it might not work for you even though you’re a novice and vice versa. Among a plethora of strategies, you will have to study each one of them thoroughly and then decide which one works best for you.

  1. The Breakout Strategy

This strategy works great for beginners. The marketplace sometimes ranges between particular support and resistance levels. These levels represent the requirement and supply of the order, which constantly shifts. This phenomenon is called consolidation.

In this strategy, we must notice when a trend might come into being. When the price breaks out, this is the time. During a breakout, the market moves across the boundaries of its consolidation, setting new ups and downs.

For a new trend to occur, a breakout must happen. But not all breakouts indicate the start of new trends. The duration of the breakout will determine the timeline of a trend. The longer the breakout, the greater the trend, and vice versa.

  1. End-of-Day Strategy

Those without the luxury of time should use this approach. Their trading begins near the settlement or closing time of the price. A price action analysis is necessary for this tactic. 

The price of any financial investment is necessary for trading because the shift in the value of that commodity will decide the level of profit or loss you will encounter. 

With an overnight risk involved, traders should set up risk management action plans such as limiting the investment or using a reliable brokerage app like biticodes to save themselves from huge losses.

  1. Swing Strategy

It is a medium-term trading strategy between day trading and position trading strategies. It lasts more than a day and usually spans a couple of weeks or months. It gives a middle way for traders & provides ample time to help them measure their decisions while being safe from heavy losses.

  1. Arbitrage Strategy

Arbitrage Trading is known as buying crypto from one marketplace and selling it to another. For example, if the price of Bitcoin at market A is $37,000 and $37,500 at market B, you can buy Bitcoin from market A and transfer the BTC to market B to sell it for a higher price.

  1. Position Strategy

In this strategy, the trader holds a position for a long time, for years even, ignoring the trade’s market fluctuations and highs & lows in favor of profiting big.

For this, the trader will have to observe and evaluate the ideal price trends in the existing market and take notice of the historical trends and fluctuations to benefit from their long-term investment strategy.

Key Takeaways

  • Not all strategies are successful. It depends on the market rate and when you sell or buy your asset.
  • The same strategies won’t work for everyone. If you have more assets, then choose a strategy accordingly. If you have less, carefully research the trends and put your tirelessly earned money to work.
  • The strategies mentioned are to educate you about the techniques that work well. But, you will have to thoroughly study the marketplace and invest according to your financial aid.

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