City issues traffic advisory for Bouquet Canyon, Newhall Ranch Road


News release  

Beginning Friday, crews will begin construction of median modifications, paving, grinding and overlay operations along portions of Bouquet Canyon Road, between Newhall Ranch Road and Espuella Drive, the city of Santa Clarita announced.  

This will result in lane reductions in both directions. The project is anticipated to last approximately two weeks as the medians and road surface on Bouquet Canyon Road will be enhanced. 

The following closures will be in place on weekends (Friday night until 4:30 a.m. on Monday), as well as weeknights from 8 p.m. to 4:30 a.m.: 

  • The inside left turn lane of the triple left on eastbound Newhall Ranch Road, turning north onto Bouquet Canyon Road. 
  • The left turn lane at Bouquet Center on southbound Bouquet Canyon Road. 
  • The inside left turn lane of the dual left on southbound Bouquet Canyon Road to eastbound Newhall Ranch Road. 
  • The inside-thru lane on northbound Bouquet Canyon Road prior to the Newhall Ranch Road intersection and extending to Espuella Drive. 

Motorists travelling southbound will be unable to turn left into the Bouquet Center (Vons) parking lot and will need to make a U-turn at Newhall Ranch Road. Those driving northbound will be unable to turn left into the Bouquet Canyon Plaza (Trader Joe’s) parking lot and will need to make a U-turn at Espuella Drive. 

Drivers are asked to be aware of scheduled lane closures and plan their routes accordingly. Traffic signs will be posted to inform motorists of upcoming lane closures. Residents are asked to reduce their speed through the construction zones. 

For questions or concerns, contact city of Santa Clarita Engineer Leslie Frazier by email at [email protected]

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