Local author teaches community about President’s Day

Author, Carol Cliff, left, dressed as Betsy Ross, has children join in as she talks about Presidents Day and the creation of the American flag during a reading of her books held at The Open Book Canyon County in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 021823. Dan Watson/The Signal

Students across the Santa Clarita Valley have been enjoying a three-day weekend starting Saturday, but many just consider it another day away from school. Local author Carole Cliffe held a President’s Day themed book reading at The Open Book to teach attendees about President’s Day and some United States history on Saturday. 

Cliffe dressed up as Betsy Ross, and went around to everyone asking if they enjoyed reading. 

“I like books!” exclaimed attendee Julian Vasquez.  

Author, Carol Cliff, right, dressed as Betsy Ross hands out book marks to attendees after a reading of her books held at The Open Book Canyon County in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 021823. Dan Watson/The Signal

With the kids’ enthusiasm, Cliffe fed off the energy and began reading her first book, “Alowishes Unusual Birthday.”  

Cliffe’s helper Markus Arana joined in on bringing her books to life and dressed as the titular lion character and changed into the owl that saves the day.  

A round of applause met the book’s conclusion. 

Author, Carol Cliff, dressed as Betsy Ross, left, reads her book “Alowishes Unusual Birthday” as Markus Arana, 11, dressed in a lion costume, plays the lead character of Alowishes from the book for attendees at The Open Book Canyon County in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 021823. Dan Watson/The Signal

Cliffe educated the attendees with a brief summary of who former Presidents Abraham Lincoln and George Washington were. They learned what U.S. currency their faces are on, their accomplishments and how President’s Day celebrates both of their birthdays.  

Attendees also learned how the United States of America became such and how the U.S. flag came about from “Betsy Ross herself.”  

Cliffe’s book, “Shaping Up a Rhyme One State at a Time,” teaches readers facts, things to do and history about each of the 50 states in a rhyme. 

Elias Vasquez, 5, catches a beanbag representing the state of Mississippi as he participates in the reading of the book “Shaping Up a Rhyme, One State at a Time” held at The Open Book Canyon County in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 021823. Dan Watson/The Signal

“Dr. Seuss rhymes and so does Carole,” said Cliffe.  

Cliffe read rhymes about California, North Carolina, South Carolina and Massachusetts, states that attendees were from or didn’t know the U.S. history of.  

“Reading opens up a whole new world to us,” said Cliffe.  

Markus Arana, 11, dressed as an owl , plays a character from a book, Alowishes Unusual Birthday” during a reading at The Open Book Canyon County in Santa Clarita on Saturday, 021823. Dan Watson/The Signal

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