Saugus, West Ranch and Golden Valley’s academic decathlon teams earned multiple awards at the regional award ceremony at Quiet Cannon Country Club after competition in the regional event in February.
Students had several months to learn about this year’s theme, the American Revolution and the founding of a nation, and compete in multiple categories including speech, essay, interview, literature, economics and math, and more.
Saugus placed 12th out of the 37 teams, West Ranch placed 25th and Golden Valley placed 30th. In addition, by division, Saugus placed 11th and West Ranch placed 14th in Division I while Golden Valley placed 11th in Division II.
“I am really proud of them,” said Jodi Maghakian Guerrero, academic decathlon advisor from Saugus. “The top 10 are the ones that actually physically go to state competition, but we have an opportunity to compete virtually in the competition.”
According to Guerrero, her students buckled down and they are reviewing the material for the competition on March 11. She added that often the juniors and seniors on the team lead lesson plans or study sessions to prepare the younger members.
Students might see material being repeated in the different categories they compete in, she added. Around March, the new theme is released and teams across the county begin to study and learn in preparation for the competitions that year.
Next year’s theme is technology and humanity, Guerrero said. The theme can be anything such as a country or a specific time period.
She said the Saugus, West Ranch and Golden Valley teams are somewhat rivals. The teams compete in scrimmages and sometimes they study together.
The team at Saugus is a class and it counts toward requirements to get into college. The team at West Ranch is a club and the coach at Golden Valley is trying to make academic decathlon a club.
Academic decathlon is more than a competition, it’s a community and it provides students a haven, she said. She described her team as a loving group.
“It’s an eclectic group,” Guerrero said. “They learn because they’re teaching others. I’ve seen them really mature and grow.”
“They’re able to communicate with others. They’re lesson planning, and they’re much more confident getting up in front of a group,” she continued.
West Ranch junior Ayla Press was the top scorer for her academic decathlon team, and she also received gold in the interview and essay categories.
“This year was really great because it’s the first year I’ve competed since COVID,” Press said. “I really enjoyed competing in person and it makes it a really fun, lively experience, especially for the interview process.”
Press described the competition as a team sport though members participate in individual events.
“We help lift each other up and study together,” Press said. “It’s just accomplishing for everybody when someone wins an award.”

According to Press, she’s looking forward to next year’s competition, but she shared her team’s personal goal is to defeat Saugus because they are so close to them. They have a friendly rivalry.
Saugus senior Camille Wiener was the top scorer for her team, too, and she received silver in the speech category. She shared Press’ feelings that academic decathlon is a team effort.
Academic decathlon sparked her passion for teaching and math. When she graduates from Saugus and attends her chosen four-year university, she’ll study applied mathematics.
“I’m not going to lie, if you told like the freshman version of myself that I would be leading this team, I probably wouldn’t believe you,” Wiener said. “I’m thankful for this experience. I know that I’ve learned a lot from it.”
She encourages other students across the William S. Hart Union High School District to join academic decathlon, and if they don’t have teams at their respective schools, then start one.
“It’s a really good way to get something more of your high school experience,” she said.

L.A. County Academic Decathlon Awards:
Saugus placed 12th overall.
Saugus placed 11th in Division 1.
Senior Camille Wiener: Silver in Speech.
Senior Madeleine Hollingshead: Gold in essay and silver in interview.
Senior Colin Garcia: Gold in essay, silver in interview, and bronze in literature, economics and math.
Freshman Zoe Tejada: Bronze in essay.
Junior Jennifer Wang: Silver in essay and bronze in interview.
Junior Valeria Funez: Gold in speech and interview and bronze in essay.
Senior Madeleine Hollingshead: Gold in essay and silver in interview.
Freshman Zoe Tejada: Bronze in essay.
Junior Jennifer Wang: Silver in essay and bronze in interview.
West Ranch:
West Ranch placed 25th overall.
West Ranch placed 14th in Division 1.
Junior Ayla Press: Gold in essay and interview.
Junior Victoria Vo: Bronze in speech.
Junior Ritta Hajjar: Silver in speech and essay.
Senior Swarada Kulkarni: Gold in speech.
Ritta Hajjar: Gold in interview.
Kulkami Swarada: Silver in interview.
Victoria Vo: Silver in interview.
Golden Valley:
Golden Valley placed 30th.
Golden Valley placed 11th in Division II.
Clara Jin: Gold in essay.
Andrew Whitmar: Silver in science.