Castaic school district seeks new members for Measure QS oversight committee

Press release

News release  

Castaic Union School District is now accepting applications for its Measure QS Citizens’ Oversight Committee. 

On Nov. 6, 2012, voters who reside within the boundaries of the Castaic Union School District expressed their support for public education by passing Measure QS. Measure QS, a Proposition 39 school facilities bond, was proposed to help modernize, add necessary technology upgrades, renovate and revitalize Castaic Union School District schools.  

Funds generated from the authorized bonds are to be used for a variety of school district capital projects.  

With a Prop. 39 bond measure, the district is required to form a citizens’ oversight committee comprised of specified members of the community to assist the district in reviewing the expenditures of bond funds as they occur. The committee must include members of the community who will be appointed by the governing board of the school district. 

With two vacancies and the terms ending for the two other committee members, the school district is seeking four new members. 

Service is without compensation and the committee is expected to meet at least once per year but will meet at least quarterly when there are active projects.  

Service on the committee is a good opportunity for interested members of the community to learn more about the district and its facilities plans and to support the district and its mission of public education, said a prepared statement released by the district.  

Employees of the district, district vendors, consultants and contractors who work for, or provide services to, the district may not serve on the committee.   

Applications for membership on the committee must be submitted on the district’s citizens’ oversight committee application form. The application form is on the district’s website,, at “Measure QS Citizens Oversight Committee Application.” 

Application forms can be returned via email to [email protected]. Application forms must be received by 4 p.m. on April 28. Applications submitted or received after the deadline may not be considered. Under state law, the district cannot hold the completed applications as confidential documents. 

The selection process for committee applicants will include a review of the applications and a possible interview by a subcommittee of the board. Final selection and appointment of the members of the committee will be by the governing board and is scheduled for the May 11 governing board meeting. 

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