In between the brick buildings lining Main Street in Old Town Newhall was a sea of green, as people gathered to celebrate the Irish holiday, St. Patrick’s Day.
Among the establishments, Maginns Irish Pub, Egg Plantation, Spruce and Oak and Eat Real on Main were a few decorated floor to ceiling with the theme of the day.

Irish flags, green streamers, Guinness flags and green, white, orange and leprechaun balloons filled the spaces they could in honor of the holiday.
“St. Patrick’s Day and Irish culture is so important for us here, it’s embedded in every single piece of our bar,” said Megan Lowles, manager of Maginns Irish Pub. “We’ve built our restaurant in Ireland and shipped it over here piece by piece, so it was really important for us to honor the heritage and the family and the culture of Maginns.”

Almost all pub goers were wearing green whether it be in a casual top, a tie on a suit or even a kilt. There was no shortage of green in Newhall.
The main attractions of the holiday – the drinks, food and music.

“It was kind of a last-minute thing, I wanted to go somewhere,” said attendee Tom Shane. “I love corned beef and cabbage.”
Going out to celebrate the holiday and enjoy all of its offerings has become an annual doing for some.

“It’s like a tradition,” said attendee Liza McCarney.
McCarney said that what keeps her going out and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day is the people.

Their faces, their personalities, all coming together for one holiday.
“It’s beautiful, it’s nice,” said McCarney. “It keeps you alive.”