Burrtec announces new residential trash services beginning July 1

Press release

News release  

Burrtec Waste Industries will start servicing the city of Santa Clarita as the new residential waste hauler beginning July 1.  

“Burrtec is excited to offer its services to the community and looks forward to providing excellent collection programs and customer service,” said a prepared statement from the company. 

As of July 1, the current Waste Management carts and bins will be serviced by Burrtec. Over a period of nine weeks, the old carts will be replaced with new Burrtec carts. An interactive map will be provided for residents to view when their carts are exchanged. New carts are clearly labeled with each of the acceptable materials allowed.  

In addition, residents should note the color change for the new carts, with black being for garbage, blue for recycling (no longer for garbage), and green for organics (yard trimmings and bagged food waste). 

Residents are reminded that California State Senate Bill 1383 and city ordinances require all households to participate in the food waste recycling program beginning July 1. Burrtec will deliver new food waste pails, with instructions, along with the new set of carts to simplify this process.  

Residents will be asked to divert any food waste destined for the garbage cart as soon as they have received the carts and pail from Burrtec. Residents will do this by placing separately bagged food waste into the green organics cart, along with loose yard waste. 

In the coming weeks, residents will receive a welcome package with detailed instructions on Burrtec’s services and new billing information. They will also receive a postcard to help select the suitable container sizes for their needs and pricing information. 

Burrtec is a family-owned business that has operated a Santa Clarita local office for over 20 years.  

“We are excited to serve the community and look forward to providing exceptional service,” Dennis Verner, general manager of Burrtec Waste Santa Clarita, said in the release. 

For more information, contact Burrtec Waste Industries at [email protected] or visit www.burrtec.com/scv. 

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