Santa Clarita to experience first heat wave over holiday weekend 


Summer is coming in hot and the Santa Clarita Valley is riding the wave — the heat wave — as the SCV is expected to reach triple digits in degrees for the holiday weekend, starting as soon as Friday, according to the National Weather Service.  

“We’re looking for 12 to 15 degrees of warming the Santa Clarita Valley tomorrow,” said Andrew Rorke, a meteorologist for the NWS.  

This heat wave follows the below-normal temperatures that SCV has been experiencing recently compared to years past.  

“After two months of below-normal temperatures for the Santa Clarita area, that has actually been five to six degrees below normal, we’re actually moving into the first heat wave of 2023,” said Rorke.  

The NWS has issued an excessive heat warning effective from July 1 at 10 a.m. until July 2 at 8 p.m. 

The following is the current forecast for SCV for the holiday weekend: 

  • Friday – A high nearing 102, sunny and hot. 
  • Friday night – A low around 70. 
  • Saturday – A high nearing 105. 
  • Saturday night – A low around 69. 
  • Sunday – A high nearing 99, sunny and hot.  
  • Sunday night – A low around 65. 
  • Monday – A high nearing 91, sunny. 
  • Monday night – A low around 59. 
  • Tuesday – A high nearing 88, sunny. 
  • Tuesday night – A low around 58. 

The NWS warns of the potential increase in heat-related illnesses such as heat rash, heat cramps, fainting, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.  

The following are precautions that residents can instill in their summer activities to prevent the following heat-related illnesses as well as recognizable signs: 

  • Heat cramps signs – Muscle pains and spasms triggered by heavy activity, typically involving stomach or leg muscles. 
  • Heat cramps prevention – Stop physical activity, move to a cool place, drink water or a sports drink, do not resume strenuous physical activities, get medical help if cramps last longer than one hour. 
  • Heat exhaustion signs – Heavy sweating, cramps, headache, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, weakness, dizziness and fainting. 
  • Heat exhaustion prevention – Move to a cool place, rest, lay down, loosen clothes, place cool, wet cloths on the body, take a cool shower or bath, sip cool beverages and get medical help if symptoms prolong an hour or if someone is throwing up. 
  • Heat stroke signs – Red, hot, dry skin, very high body temperature, dizziness, nausea, confusion, strange behavior, unconsciousness, rapid pulse and throbbing headache. 
  • Heat stroke prevention and response – Move the person to a cooler or shady place, place cool, wet cloths on the body, do not give the person anything to drink and call 9-1-1.  

The NWS has listed the following as additional recommendations to take on during high temperature days:  

  • Take extra precautions with fire ignition sources (lawn care equipment, grills, etc.). 
  • Keep children safe in and around cars. Touch seatbelts before buckling to make sure they aren’t too hot. 
  • Check on family, friends and neighbors who are at risk for heat-related illness, like those who are sick or have chronic conditions.  
  • Eat light, cool and easy to digest foods such as fruits or salads. Do not leave food sitting in the sun, as it can spoil faster. 
  • Avoid strenuous workouts while wearing face coverings.  
  • Visit your power company’s website or call them to determine if you are scheduled for a rolling power outage.  

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