Video: Law enforcement holds procession after deputy’s death 

A Santa Clarita Valley Sheriffs Station deputy passes by firefighters from Fire Station 126 standing in solemn salute during a procession for a deputy who died in his home at Stevenson Ranch, Calif., on Sunday, June 11, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal

A procession was held for a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department deputy who died in his home in Stevenson Ranch on Sunday afternoon. 

The procession featured over 20 law enforcement vehicles from the Sheriff’s Department, California Highway Patrol, Parks Bureau, and several unmarked cars. They traveled alongside an L.A. County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner van, which carried the deputy’s body. 

Video by Chris Torres and Trevor Morgan / The Signal

Firefighters from the L.A. County Fire Department saluted the procession as it entered onto Interstate 5, en route to the Coroner’s Office in downtown L.A. 

Lt. Richard O’Neal, watch commander for the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station, said the deputy died of natural causes. However, an official cause of death had not been determined at the time of this publication. 

The L.A. County Coroner’s Office has released the name of the deputy. However, the Sheriff’s Department Parks Bureau requested that all information regarding the deputy, including the deputy’s name, be withheld until next-of-kin is notified. 

The Parks Bureau confirmed the deputy was one of its employees.  

The Los Angeles County Coroner’s vehicle leads law enforcement officials during a procession for a fallen Santa Clarita Valley Sheriffs Station deputy down Stevenson Ranch Parkway on Sunday, June 11, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriffs Station deputies and officials drive down Stevenson Ranch Parkway with lights on during a procession for a fallen deputy at Stevenson Ranch, Calif., on Sunday, June 11, 2023. Chris Torres/The Signal

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