SCV Rotary Club provides breakfast packages for homeless veterans

Dozens of volunteers from Rotary Club, Optimist International and Kiwanis Club and others participate in the Santa Clarita Valley Rotary Club's second annual Veteran's Outreach Program as they package 10,000 instant breakfast meals for homeless and needy veterans in the Santa Clarita Valley at the Bella Vida Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center on Thursday, 102623. Dan Watson/the Signal
Dozens of volunteers from Rotary Club, Optimist International and Kiwanis Club and others participate in the Santa Clarita Valley Rotary Club's second annual Veteran's Outreach Program as they package 10,000 instant breakfast meals for homeless and needy veterans in the Santa Clarita Valley at the Bella Vida Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center on Thursday, 102623. Dan Watson/the Signal

Dozens of volunteers from various organizations helped the Santa Clarita Valley Rotary Club at its second annual Veteran’s Outreach Pro- gram recently held at the Bella Vida Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center. Volunteers helped package 10,000 instant breakfasts for homeless and needy veterans. Photos by Dan Watson/The Signal.

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