Hart Park staff mourn deaths of beloved horse and bison 

Monty, a 36-year-old horse. Courtesy of Hart Park.
Monty, a 36-year-old horse. Courtesy of Hart Park.

The L.A. County Parks and Recreation Department announced the deaths of “Monty,” a 36-year-old horse, and “Bertha,” a female 36-year-old bison in the care of William S. Hart Regional Park.   

“Monty” was a “handsome, chestnut quarter horse with an impish personality” who first served as a working rodeo horse, and then a patrol horse, according to the news release from county parks officials. He retired to Hart Park after his injuries took him out of service in 2003.  

Bertha was the matriarch of the Hart bison herd and lived her entire life at Hart Park, born from the original descendants of the Walt Disney bison herd, Regional Park Superintendent Chris Mowry said in an interview Thursday afternoon.   

Both animals were under continual veterinarian care, but declining health conditions led to the decision to euthanize Monty on Tuesday and Bertha on Wednesday, according to the news release.  

Monty, a 36-year-old horse, living at William S. Hart Regional Park helping clean. Courtesy of Hart Park.
Monty, a 36-year-old horse, living at William S. Hart Regional Park helping clean. Courtesy of Hart Park.
Bertha, a 36-year-old bison, eating romaine lettuce at William S. Hart Regional Park. Courtesy of Hart Park.
Bertha, a 36-year-old bison, eating romaine lettuce at William S. Hart Regional Park. Courtesy of Hart Park.

“Monty was very playful. One time we were in there cleaning up in his spot and he grabbed the shovel, started swinging it and helped us clean up,” said Mowry. “And Bertha loved her treats. She loved romaine lettuce, pumpkin and special attention.” 

He added that the Hart Park staff deeply love their animals and losing one of the animals leaves a hole in the family.  

“When we lose one of our animals, we honor them, we want them to remember them,” said Councilwoman Laurene Weste, president of the Friends of Hart Park.  

“As we mourn the loss of these dear animal residents, we also remember the many ‘golden’ years where they thrived at Hart Park,” L.A. County Parks Director Norma E. García-González said in a statement. “Monty and Bertha will forever be remembered by our staff, the veterinarians, and our many guests to the park. They will always be beautiful animal spirits that touch our lives.” 

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