More than 800 people, many sporting neon-colored clothes, lights and glow sticks, participated in the sold-out Be The Light 5K night time run/walk Saturday at West Creek Park in Valencia.

“The atmosphere is a little different here,” said runner Noe Guerra about the unique nature of the run.
“Everybody is just supporting one another and (supporting) a really good cause.”
Registration fees and donations benefit “A Light of Hope” which promotes healing and
freedom for youths 14-26 years of age including emphasis on substance abuse, addiction and other challenges like eating disorders, cutting and depression.
“This event is special because it’s the community getting behind these families and showing them that we care and that where there is light there is hope,” said Mark Montoya, the event’s coordinator.
Montoya expected to raise $20,000 at Saturday’s event.
“It means I get to invest in something that could be saving somebody’s life, it could be giving a family hope that really needs it right now.”

Guillermo Mora (L), his wife Armida Mora (R) and daughter Tiana Young (C) are set for the run. Tom Cruze/For The Signal