Editor’s Letter


Last weekend started out great. I got up early on Saturday and joined a friend for ‘The Well’ at Higher Vision Church. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect but it turned out to be very interesting. ‘The Well’ was simply a series of workshops that spoke on many different topics. I was only able to stay for the opening session and for one of the workshops, but it was well worth it!

The day quickly got worse and due to circumstances beyond our control, we ended up needing to file a police report for theft.

After all of the emotions that I experienced that day; peace, joy, anger, frustration, I was ‘gifted’ with the smile of the Sheriff who came to our home to take the report. Before he left, my husband and I thanked him for his service to our community, we blessed him with safety and you should have seen the smile on his face.

All it took was a thank you. Recognition for a job well done. So when you have a positive experience with someone, go ahead and thank them for it. You never know what kind of an impact you will have on them.

The next time you are in a long line at the store, or even in a short line with only two people in front of you and one of them is returning 3 bags full of merchandise and they produce 10 different receipts, and the next customer in line is paying in pennies, take a deep breath, smile and thank the cashier. They’ll appreciate it.

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