While the “vast majority” of voters in Los Angeles County have gotten their sample ballots for the Nov. 8 election in the mail, the L.A. County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s office acknowledged Friday that some ballots still have not gone out.
“We have completed the preliminary sample-ballot mailings, and the vast majority of people should already have their ballots,’’ Mike Sanchez, a spokesman for County Clerk Dean Logan, told The Signal.
“We’re still mailing out the sample ballots for people who updated their registration information close to the (Oct. 24) deadline.’’
Sanchez did not have a specific number for the ballots that have not yet gone out, but said it represents “a small minority of voters.’’
Last Friday, the clerk’s office – which supervises the process, and which will count the ballots on Nov. 8 – acknowledged that 400,000 ballots out of 5.1 million county-wide had not yet been mailed.
Though the deadline was, officially, Oct. 18, Sanchez said last week that the scale of the job was proving problematic.
Friday, Brenda Duran, another spokesperson for Logan’s office, also attributed the remaining number of ballots yet to be sent out to the overall size of the job — and added that a “huge surge in registrations” was also a factor.
Logan’s office is supervising the printing and mailing process. According to Sanchez, the county contracts out the printing and distribution to the Merrill Corporation, which does the actual mailing from its La Mirada offices, keeping the Clerk’s office apprised of the progress.
Sanchez said voters can also see sample ballots on LAVote.net.
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