Voters say ‘yes’ to Pot and ‘no’ to firearms

Customers buy products at the Harvest Medical Marijuana Dispensary in San Francisco in April 2016. Associated Press

Californian’s self-ruling style of government – via propositions – landed 17 measures on the ballot for the General Election.

First adopting the initiative process Oct. 10, 1911, residents placed three initiatives on the ballot the very next year in 1912.

They included moves to consolidate local governments, prohibit bookmaking, and set procedures for local taxation — all were defeated.

On Tuesday, Californians went to the polls to vote on 17 propositions – referendums ranging from reforming the state’s death penalty to allowing recreational use of marijuana.

County initiatives called for voters to agree to raise taxes to pay transportation and public park projects.

Voter results as of 10:25 with 29 percent of the precincts reporting are as follows:

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