I would like to start off by telling you a bit about myself. Growing up, I attended “devil pups” at Camp Pendleton all four years of high school – three week sessions each time at camp.
All four years I attended with four good friends: Carlos, Mario, Adam and Jaime. We were all planning to join the Marine Corps after high school and kick butt together.
I am the only one who did not join after high school. With Carlos, who became a platoon leader, I loved listening to his stories. His third deployment was not mandatory. But he said everyone else in his platoon volunteered, so he must go take care of his boys.
He was killed doing fire watch by a local suicide car bomber.
I grew up with this man from fourth grade until he was killed. I learned many different things from him; we shared many ideas and we fought like brothers.
I sit back and look at pictures of us and I get overwhelmed with joy. It’s because of men like this one, whom I am proud to have shared my life with, that I get to sit back and look at pictures without having to look over my shoulder.
These men, who volunteer their lives so I can have one, are much more then warriors; I strongly believe they are our guardian angels.
I would like to thank the Santa Clarita for what it has done, but ask City Council members to extend the pergola to do justice to the warriors.
It is very important to us in the community to have the SCV Fallen Warrior Monument; not only will the families of the Warriors be impacted by this, but I believe it will give others a purpose to continue to strive forward.
The warriors say: “My Brother to My Left, My Brother to My Right, Together We Stand, Together We Fight.”
I say let’s fight for those warriors to never be forgotten.