Norma Lindemann | Bringing Back the Smiles

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

I have often mused on and written about the downside of our current society. But I am well aware of the good in the hearts not only of my friends but also in the upside of the world we live in. I am blessed to have friends who are funny, kind, introspective, generous and truly altruistic. Granted, they are all younger than me, much, much younger, but no less my friends. 

And they are not alone. What is most heartening is to read of young people who are performing deeds of kindness. An Asian cleric said recently, “There are young people in the world demonstrating a global consciousness.”

And I think in this world we must focus not on the media-driven shootings, crashes, all manner of crimes. 

Think what it would mean if we all considered what we could do for others instead of what would make us feel good in the moment? It seems like another world since we heard, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” 

I’m afraid John F. Kennedy’s words would fall on deaf ears if they were uttered in this generation.

I have some thoughts on how to change attitudes from negative to positive. I read recently how we can refresh ourselves and improve our mood by taking a walk in nature, perspiring while playing a sport, listening to music and so on. This article went on to say that positive and negative vibrations exist within the human body and balance and harmony enable us to live in this world.

I’ve been trying to take these wise words to heart, and when I do, I find I’m smiling more and thinking less about the negative aspects of our society and more about what’s good. I would encourage this as a goal we can all strive for and bring back smiles to a struggling generation.

Norma Lindemann

Santa Clarita

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