My name is Katherine Nuno; I enrolled in a College of the Canyons English class and took on a service-learning project about how we as individuals can help make a change in this world.
I teamed up with four amazing people and together we decided to help the homeless. As soon as we figured out our mission we set out to make “blessing backpacks” and help save some lives.
This experience brought me many life lessons, from learning how to be safe in the streets to learning some of the most important things I’ll never forget and always value.
I learned that not only is it important to be school smart, but to be street smart as well.
I learned that it is more beautiful to give than to receive; we take things for granted when there are thousands wishing to be in our shoes.
Homeless people are judged by the situation they are in and not by how they got there.
We can be perfectly fine today, but little do we know that we can be struggling on the streets tomorrow.
I have learned not to judge a homeless person by where that person is in life. That exact individual we see on the streets in everyday life may have served our country and may be suffering today because of our economy.
I have learned that homeless people do have a heart; they do care for people. They may just be trying to figure out how they’ll survive another night.
I never knew how many lives I could change with only preparing a simple backpack with food, water, toiletries and other necessities.
Something as small as one bottle of water can not only make someone’s day, but it can help someone survive that day.
Only one little act of kindness can go so far!
I smile at every homeless person I see now, and when I know there is something I can help them with, I do it.
I now always keep in mind that if I were in a homeless person’s shoes, I would love for someone to help me. So why not help them?
Katherine Nuno is a College of the Canyons student.