Members of the William S. Hart Union High School District Governing Board will review the district’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), and administrative regulation and construction projects at its regular meeting Wednesday night.
The district and Balfour Betty Construction LLC will also partake in a safety award presentation from representatives of Keenan and Associates for their work on Canyon High School’s Auditorium and Building Q Modernization project.
In an updated discussion of its LCAP, board members will review and discuss the Hart District’s 2016-2019 LCAP. The current LCAP plan was developed in June 2016, approved by the California Department of Education in July 2016 and implemented from August to December 2016.
Locally, the district’s LCAP goals include: high-quality education for all students, a narrowed achievement gap, improved college and career readiness, focus on engagement and school climate, implementation of academic and performance standards adopted by the State Board of Education and increased parent engagement.
These local objectives align with the eight priority areas for California districts to establish goals and actions for their schools statewide.
Looking forward, the district will continue with its LCAP process, and begin to present its annual update and work with its LCAP Stakeholder Committee for LCAP 2017-2020.
Board members will also hear a first reading to revise an administrative regulation titled Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement.
The revised regulation will provide an additional, weighted grade point to A, B and C grades earned by students taking community college courses on a concurrent basis for both high school and college credit.
Board members will review the regulation change and provide any recommendations before its second reading at their Feb. 1 regular meeting.
During its meeting, the governing board will review requests and proposals for updates to the Sierra Vista Junior High School kitchen, projector outlets at West Ranch High School and several infrastructure updates to Hart High School.
Board members are set to approve a proposal request from Taller Dos Flores for bid document preparations regarding improvements and modifications to the Sierra Vista Junior High School kitchen.
The agenda item states that the improvements are necessary to improve the kitchen’s function and to stay current with codes. It is expected to cost approximately $10,700.
The district will award a bid for installation of projector outlets at West Ranch High school to Digital Networks Group, Inc. because, out of nine contractor submissions, it was the lowest responsible bidder at $23,877.
Lundgren Management Corporation will be selected by the board to act as the construction manager for the work on Hart High School’s two-story classroom building, its tennis court expansion and its utility infrastructure project.
The project is expected to cost $1,784,400 and will be funded by Measure SA.
Additional Agenda Items:
- Hear school site report from La Mesa Junior High School Principal Michele Krantz on the school’s goals and unique programs
- Hear presentation from Director of Curriculum and Assessment David N. LeBarron about the district’s Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Transition Plan to NGSS courses
- Approval of government board meeting schedule for 2017-18
- Conduct public hearing and acknowledgement of Hart District Teachers Association initial proposal for negotiations with the William S. Hart Union high school District for the 2016-17 school year
- Hear Audit Report from Chief Financial Officer Erin Lillibridge for 2016 fiscal year
- Approve resolution approving the Annual Reportable Fees Report on developer fees expended in the 2015-16 fiscal year
- Conduct first reading of new board policy: Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention
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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_