Sulphur Springs Governing Board to review Winter Academy, LCAP, California Budget


Members of the Sulphur Springs Union School District Governing Board will discuss the district’s 2017 Winter Academy, the current state of its Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed California budget at its regular meeting Wednesday.

Director of Curriculum and Instruction Kim Tredick and Leadership Intern Amanda Jones are scheduled to share highlights from the district’s 2017 Winter Academy, held the week of Jan. 3 at Canyon Springs Community School.

The program’s goals were to provide focused instruction in small group setting, focus on one standard skill in language arts and math, and utilize research-based strategies and technology.

Students in 4th, 5th and 6th grade from Mint, Mitchell, Valley View, Leona Cox and Canyon Springs Community Schools who scored “standard not met” or “standard nearly met” on their Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) were invited to attend the academy.

During the Winter Academy, students focused on reading comprehension of nonfiction text to increase writing performance and grade-level place value concepts for math.

The district reported a growth in both subject areas and a positive response from students, teachers and parents.

Governing Board members will also hear a mid-year presentation of the district’s 2016-17 LCAP Evidence Update.

The three-year plan focuses on eight local priorities to establish the goals, actions and expenditures of the district.  According to the agenda item, nearly all of the district’s LCAP goals are ongoing or completed thus far.

Looking forward, the Sulphur Springs District will preparation to create the 2017-18 goals and will hold meetings with district stakeholder groups.

The board will also review Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed 2017-18 state budget to discuss its impacts on education spending.

The agenda item states that the “forecast is positive, but uncertain” for the upcoming fiscal year.

Brown’s budget states that there will be a reduction in the Proposition 98 Guarantee for school funding and a rollback of planned spending increases to education.

The budget proposes an increase in maintenance factor funding by $264 million and an increase in pension costs.

Overall, the district sees the upcoming revenue forecasts as uncertain and recommends conservative budgeting to avoid volatility.

The Governing Board’s regular meeting is scheduled to take place at 7 p.m. at Canyon Springs Community School.

Additional Agenda Items:

  • Approval of each school site’s School Accountability Report Cards (SARC) which provide information on each school’s progress in achieving its goals
  • Approval of service agreement with SchoolWorks to provide School Facilities Needs Analysis to conduct needs analysis each year
  • Approval of Board Policies and Administrative Regulations: Tobacco and Tobacco-Free Schools
  • Announcement of Estrella Awards for English Learners who have met District reclassification (RFEP) criteria March 1 at Leona Cox, Mint Canyon and Sulphur Springs Community Schools at 6:30 p.m.
  • Conduct first reading of Board Policy: Debt Issuance and Management

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