CLWA wins award for excellence in preparing its budget


News release issued by the Castaic Lake Water Agency.



The Castaic Lake Water Agency received the Operating Budget Excellence Award from the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) for its FY 2016/17 Budget.  This is the tenth consecutive year in which the Agency has received this award.


The CSMFO Budget Awards Program is designed to recognize those agencies that have prepared a budget document that meets standards of (1) a minimum scoring of 50 points (out of 80) in the Excellence in Budgeting section and (2) a scoring of 20 out of 20 for a Meritorious Budget section.  The Agency’s FY 2016/17 Budget has been judged by impartial review to meet the high standards of the program.


CSMFO is California’s premier statewide association for finance professionals, with Chapters located throughout the State.  CSMFO seeks to improve the knowledge, skills, and performance of individuals responsible for municipal and other local government fiscal policy and management.

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